Monday, April 29, 2019

The Self Driven Child

Whittling this book down to my biggest takeaways was almost impossible, because this book spoke to me in SO many ways. I’ve read a ton of teaching and parenting books over the years, and this is one of my all-time favorites – for so many reasons.  It’s already impacted my teaching, my parenting, and my own personal “living” too. Here’s my best attempt at a top 5, but they don’t fully do the book justice…

Thursday, April 18, 2019

So what's the big deal with kids and outdoor play?

If we work from the premise that play is an invaluable part of childhood, then why does it matter so much if kids play indoors or out? The truth, of course, is that both types of play are indeed valuable. Unstructured outdoor play, however, provides important avenues for growth and brain development that can rarely be replicated through indoor play. And for a variety of reasons, it doesn’t happen nearly enough anymore. So why do we need more of it?